The small bee from Normandy : A partnership dear to the House

Louise D'Andélys being a House that has existed since 1846, we are committed to trying to keep our planet as it is. We have long sought how to give back to the planet what it gives us. What better than to involve the main actors of Nature without dislodging them from their natural habitat.

For five years now we have been working with La Petite Abeille de Normandie, beekeepers who have access to our Normandy flower fields in order to place beehives. The idea is to create a short circuit by limiting the appearance of external actors, and to offer good organic honey directly to locals.

To go further, La Petite Abeille de Normandie even offers training to learn more about this practice. In parallel with this experience, you can visit our magnificent fields and our production sites. Louise already had, in her time, the ambition to share her knowledge with her most loyal customers, and we want to perpetuate her values.

More information on their website:


June 30, 2022

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